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Conservation in Ol Pejeta – the world’s last male white rhino

We live in times where everyone is under pressure to perform that they often ignore how their actions could affect the rest. If history is anything to go by, however, that is pretty much human nature. It is also very normal for humans to stand in the way of any conservation efforts. Few months ago, I bought Theodore Roosevelt’s autobiography. I did not finish reading it. That is very uncharacteristic of me. I am a relatively impatient person but that changes when it comes to books; I will keep reading till I find my “moment”.

My breaking point?

The book provided an in-depth description of poaching, hidden under the guise of hunting. That happened many years ago, but we are now living at a point where most animal species are barely surviving. It might have been an overreaction, depending on how you look at it. However, there is something terribly wrong with a society where some of her individuals have poaching as one of their hobbies. Needless to say, I won’t be reading the book.

The question of conservation is one that has often been overlooked by this current generation, almost as much as those that existed before us. It is nerve-wrecking to imagine a world without (most) wildlife. The ecosystem is changing, and fast. One seemingly simple action will be the reason future generations will be privileged enough (or not) to visit parks across the world and find the beautiful creatures (living).

Human Speed; anti conservation

Some of the animals that are now extinct thanks to humans include the West African Black rhinoceros, Pyrenean Ibex, Passenger Pigeon, the Carribean Monk Seal, and the Sea Mink among many others.

I had to read about most of these. At this rate, future generations may read about the beautiful zebras, the mighty lions, the graceful gazelles, the gigantic elephant… the extremely diverse animal population.


Conservation, a whole awful lot, would have allowed us to see these elegant birds – not on pictures 🙁

The passenger pigeon, for instance, boasted to its name 3 to 5 billion birds around the time when Europeans were immigrating into the United States. The last one died in a zoo in 1914. It is incredible just how much we can achieve in such a short period!

Poaching is real, and so is extinction. One such animal that your kids may never see is the white rhino. Ol Pejeta conservancy in Nanyuki is home to the LAST male Northern white rhino. Statistically speaking, most people will not live to see the animal. Seeing it was heart-breaking, certainly one of my most humbling experiences.


Sudan is 42 years old; very old in animal years. The sad reality is that he will pass away soon, cementing the end of the white rhino race. It is impossible for him to successfully breed since his sperm count is on a constant decline and his back legs continue weakening. Shockingly, he still has to be protected by an armed security system to protect him from poaching. Poaching you guys!

What can I do?

There have been calls from different fronts on the need to make amends before we destroy every other species. While it might be a little too late for the Northern white rhino species, we could avoid similar happenings in the future. Do what you can. Learn about them, visit these conservancies, do not litter, and support recycling… On the face of it these look very basic but they will make all the difference.

How else do you think we can help in conservation? Let us know in the comments section.

PS: I hope to write about my experience at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy on a separate post.

Cheers to conservation!

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    December 2, 2016

    Great inhigst. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.