Before planning your trip, there’s a lot of factors to consider. Do you have time? For those who do 9-5, that would mean asking for a leave of absence and all that. Do you have money? Most people have to save up for any trip they hope to take.
Where should I go? Everybody asks that.
For African travelers, you are not quite done. The main question is normally whether or not you need a visa, the kind of visa you need, do they need you to have both kidneys…
This post will list all the visa free countries for Kenya. There is honestly nothing as relieving as a country that does not require one to go through the (mostly) agonizing visa process.
Let me do it for you in alphabetical order. Let’s go!
- Antigua and Barbuda
You may visit this State for one month without a visa. These island lies between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. It is said that you can visit a different beach every day for a year and still not exhaust the beaches in this beautiful country.
2. Bahamas
Another country with hundreds of beaches. As a Kenyan citizen, you may visit the Bahamas for 3 months without a visa. The Bahamas has more than 700 islands! 700.
3. Bahrain
Bahrain is located along the Persian Gulf. You may visit this Islamic State after applying for an evisa that lasts for 14 days. 14 days would be sufficient to explore the country’s very inspiring history, engage in water sports, take a camel ride in the streets, or do a desert safari.
4. Barbados
Another visa free country for Kenyans found in the Caribbean. Barbados is magical: endless beaches, dozens of caves, lots of history, forests… pack and go?
5. Benin
You won’t need a visa for 90 days to this West African country. Go there for the food, the culture, beaches, and history. Oh, and French charm.
6. Bolivia
This is one of the most charming places in South America. Kenyans qualify for visa on arrival that allows them to stay there for 90 days. I would go for the Incan ruins, Plaza Murillo, the numerous lakes with very diverse wildlife, impressive nature trails… Bolivia has everything.
7. Botswana
Kenyans do not need a visa for 90 days to travel to this beautiful African country. The country has very impressive landscapes, numerous national parks, and the Kalahari Desert among other delights. Their food is also very tasty and different from what you have in Kenya.
8. Burkina Faso
One is given a visa on arrival in this West African country. They have numerous places to visit including, but not limited to, waterfalls, mountains, and caves. If not for anything else, however, Kenyans should visit to see what war and instability does to a country.
9. Burundi
This small African country has a lot packed within its borders. These are mostly nature reserves, mountains, and lakes. As a Kenyan, you would not need a visa for 3 months. That’s more than enough time to explore the country and get immersed in their culture.
10. Cambodia
Cambodia is a country in South East Asia. There are a lot of things to do in the country, and all you need is an evisa. Kenyans also qualify for visa on arrival. For the sake of a peace of mind, I’d go for an evisa. You know, just in case ?.
11. Cape Verde
Cape Verde is an African country with an endless coastline, a salt lake, and the Viana desert among other beautiful places. Kenyans get a visa on arrival.
12. Colombia
Colombia should not be here but I’ll add it anyway. You may apply for a Colombian visa online. Given the process Kenyan citizens have to go through for other visas, this is definitely a breath of fresh air! Go there and relive the escapades of Pablo Escobar in Bogota. Nature lovers are also certain to have the best time there.
13. Comoros
You’ve definitely heard about the Comoros. This is a volcanic archipelago found along Africa’s East Coast. There are many beaches, some lined with lava from the active volcanos that characterize the country. As a Kenyan, you get a visa on arrival.
14. Democratic Republic of the Congo
One of the richest countries in the world if you ask me. Sadly, they are constantly fighting cuz of reasons I’d rather not dwell on here. Everyone who has hiked the Nyiragongo volcano described it as one of the most experiences in their lives. It is also one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Let’s go? We get a visa on arrival.
15. Cuba
Just like Colombia, this should not be here but it is sooo… for Cuba you’ll need a tourist card that can be obtained at the embassy, from your airline, or through a travel agency. Cuba has a lot of history, salsa music, and beaches among other highlights.
Edit: be sure to visit the embassy before making any travel plans; there ain’t no travel card for Kenyan citizens.
16. Djibouti
For Kenyans looking to explore Djibouti, you would need to apply for an evisa that is valid for 31 days. The country is lined with vibrant markets, they have many lakes, mosques, and desert salt beds. It is also a cheap destination and your Kenyan shilling will go a long way.
17. Dominica
They have a boiling lake in Dominica! Okay, that always gets me excited especially considering you can hike around that. This country also has many national parks, waterfalls, and gorges. This is one of the most diverse countries that Kenyans can easily tour. Kenyans do not need a visa to Dominica for 21 days.
18. Ethiopia
This beautiful land! They have lots of herbs too. Okay. Go to Ethiopia for the extensive landscapes, breathtaking sunrises & sunsets, meandering roads, and the culture. Kenyans can visit and live in Ethiopia for one year without a visa. Ethiopia is one of the visa free countries for Kenyans.
19. Fiji
Fiji is a country in Oceania. It has more than 300 islands to its name. They have a fascinating culture, incredible food, coastlines, and very many unique places to explore. Kenyans do not require a visa to Fiji, at least not for 4 months.
20. Gabon
For Gabon, one may apply for an evisa. However, one may only enter through the Libreville International airport. They have museums, whale watching, beaches, hiking trails, and impressive cultures among other attractions.
21. Gambia
Kenyan citizens do not need a visa to Gambia for 90 days. However, be sure to seek clearance from their immigration offices before traveling. Better safe than sorry. Like with most African countries, the Gambia has many lively markets that will enable one understand their culture better. They also have nice beaches, rivers, and safaris to name but a few.
22. Georgia
Yea, there’s a country called Georgia. We are not talking about the American State. Please do not go to America without a visa ?. The Black Sea has beaches like nothing you’ve seen in Kenya. They also have a lot of hiking treks and an interesting climate given they are at the intersection between Asia and Europe. You’ll need to apply for an evisa before visiting Georgia.
23. Ghana
There’s no better place to experience West African culture than Ghana. Okay, that sounds naïve. Go to Ghana for the Ghanaian culture, get a glimpse of the slavery history, buy loads of shea butter, eat their food, find waterfalls, marry their women… you get it. You do not need a visa to Ghana as a Kenyan citizens. Btw, flights to Ghana are cheap.
24. Grenada
Ever seen a nutmeg plantation? They have fields and fields of those. Grenada is found in the Caribbean meaning endless beaches, beautiful women, diverse ecosystem, and a lot of history. You do not need a visa to Grenada as a Kenyan citizen.
25. Guinea-Bissau
Another one in the motherland! There are many places in the country that still have an ancient touch. I know that is appealing to many people. There are also many places to see hordes of crocodiles and hippos. Being along the Atlantic Ocean’s coastline also means endless beaches. You can also always count on the locals’ hospitality. You could choose an evisa or go for the visa on arrival.
26. Haiti
Haiti has endless beaches and many natural pools. Fellow adrenaline junkies would also enjoy snorkeling and zip-lining. Kenyan citizens can be in Haiti for 3 months without a visa.
- Hong Kong
Hong Kong is an autonomous territory in southeastern China. You would never lack stuff to do there. I would go for the food alone. Momos, anyone? They have lots of museums, monasteries, amusement parks, and hiking treks among others. Hong Kong is a visa free destination for Kenyan citizens – lasts for 90 days.
Edit: this still holds but wait… I spent more than 2 hours at immigration answering all kinds of questions. Good thing is I no longer cry at airports; if you want to let me in, do it. If not, don’t. I don’t care anymore. Anyways, carry CASH with you. This is very hard given we come from a country where no one walks around with cash anymore. Also, it’s 2019! Have an itinerary of places you hope to visit and all that. They will ask you all manner of questions so be consistent. Despite all that, it’s a beautiful country and you should visit.
28. India
Everyone should visit India at least once in their lifetime. There is a lot of culture to learn about, many mountains to hike, places to hike, the Taj Mahal (one of the Seven Wonders of the World), and a lot of architecture. I could go on and on here. Kenyan citizens may apply for a visa online. The evisa is pretty straightforward and inexpensive. Another option would be to visit the embassy; they’ll be happy to grant you one.
29. Indonesia
Most beautiful place on earth after Kenya? Indonesia has everything you would need and it is generally inexpensive. I would visit for the food and waterfalls only. Kenyan citizens do not need a visa to this Asian country.
30. Iran
One of the most underrated destinations ever! This peaceful country also has it all. I know I say this a lot, especially in this post. I’ll stop. You may go to Iran and get a visa on arrival as a Kenyan citizen. Go get amazed by their well thought out architecture and unpolluted nature.
31. Jamaica
What finna say? Don’t say that when you get to Jamaica. I don’t know what it means. There’s a lot of herb in this Caribbean country, too. The music, beaches, forests, mountains, people, and history would also be a good reason to visit. You do not need a visa into the country.
32. Kiribati
Let’s do this differently. Check out Gilbert Islands and Tarawa lagoon. Still not convinced? Check out Tabuaeran. The 30 days visa free days will be enough for you to explore this breathtaking country.
33. Kyrgyzstan
This Central Asian country is common for the Tian Shan Mountains. They also have numerous lakes, hot springs, canyons, monuments, and very rich history. The people are also very friendly. Kyrgyzstan is one of the visa free countries for Kenyan citizens. You just need an evisa.
34. Laos
Still in Asia, there is the glorious country that is Laos. There a lot of nature reserves in the country, forests, temples, and mountains. You’d never go out of stuff to do in Laos. Kenyan citizens qualify for a 30-day visa on arrival.
35. Lesotho
Lesotho is a country in Southern Africa. The country is hikers’ paradise since they have quite a number of waterfalls and mountains. They also have abseiling spots and numerous national parks. As a Kenyan citizens you are allowed into the country for 90 days without a visa.
36. Macau
This region is found on China’s south coast. It’s your typical Asian country, only with more glamorous temples, theme parks, and incredible architecture. The nature is also unmatched. Kenyans qualify for a visa on arrival.
Edit: First time I got deported. Not even joking. As always, they saw a black girl in the queue and immediately directed me to the interview offices. If you’ve never gone through this count yourself blessed. This guy keeps drafting isht on the entry form, moves in and out of the offices, does not ask me any questions… after like 1.5 hours (I knoooow 🙁 ) he starts shouting: “go back Hong Kong”. He is scary. He does not ask me for my hotel and flight booking (I had both and ended up losing them). Tried asking for a guy who speaks English but everyone there (including those I heard using English) looked at me and laughed. It was a nightmare. I hope none of you have to deal with that. Will write to the consulate and update. I now know of about 2 other Kenyans who have gone thru the same. I would avoid this country if I were you.
37. Madagascar
Endless beaches. Palaces. Lakes. History. There is a lot to do in this relatively unvisited country. Kenyans get a visa on arrival.
38. Malawi
I’ve often heard that Malawians are the friendliest people walking the earth. That, coupled with their national parks, Lake Malawi, inspiring culture, and food should make you visit. No visa is required from Kenyan citizens for 90 days.
39. Malaysia
Another country everyone should visit at least once. It’s different, it’s diverse. The people are very friendly, their food tasty (well, it’s in Asia, sooo…), and their islands out of this world. They have LEGOLAND there too, FYI. Good place to awaken the child in you! No visa required for Kenyan citizens to Malaysia, and it’s a very hustle free process to get into the country.
40. Maldives
There was a time everyone wanted to go to the Maldives for their honeymoon. You could do that or also just decide to go and shower yourself with self-love. It is a very good place for a girls’ getaway. I know I’d love that. Anyone? Okay. Besides the heavenly beaches and underwater life, there are many mosques and monuments that will revolutionize your Insta feed. Pack up, as a Kenyan you get a visa on arrival.
41. Mali
Mali is a fascinating country. This West African state has four UNESCO world Heritage Sites, the commonest one being Timbuktu. Parts of the country are said to be in war but be careful not to believe everything CNN says. Some of these things are blown way out of proportion. There’s lots of other things to do there including lots of archeological sites and rivers. Kenyans get a visa on arrival to Mali.
42. Mauritania
Kenyans can get a visa on arrival at the Nouakchott-Oumtounsy International Airport. They have a desert, many nature reserves, fishing spots, and many beaches among many other attractions.
43. Mauritius
Ever wanted to hike in a rainforest? You could do that as Kenyan citizen in Mauritius since you do not need a visa for as many as 90 days. You could also chase waterfalls, fish, learn their culture, or just chill on the beach.
44. Micronesia
One of the least visited and known countries. How does 600 islands distributed over 4 island states sound? Well, as a Kenyan you do not need a visa to Micronesia. Extremely gorgeous place to go relax your mind after exhausting days at the office or jua kali.
45. Mozambique
Another much understated destination. Her beaches remain as raw as can be, people are friendly, their food different & cheap, and their culture intriguing. As a Kenyan, you do not even have to fly there. Go to Tanzania and connect from there. Yea spoiler: you won’t need a visa into Tanzania as a Kenyan citizen. Please act surprised ?
46. Nepal
Kenyan citizens get a visa on arrival in Nepal. It is one of the most expensive visas there is anywhere: around $100 for a 1-month visa. Still, it’s a beautiful country and definitely worth visit. The Everest may be accessed from Nepal so that is one of the major reasons guys visit. You could also decide to do the basecamp if hiking the Everest is not your piece of cake. Biking around the lakes there, canoeing, and interacting with the locals could also be valid reasons to visit.
47. Nigeria
Not many people think of Nigeria as a touristy country. You are right. This one is for travelers. Unless you like looking for adventure, do not visit Nigeria. If you are like me, you will enjoy this country. The best time to visit is in December since they have many cultural parades and festivals. Any other time is great. The country has one of the two suspended lakes there is in the world. Read more here. Kenyan citizens get a visa on arrival in Nigeria for $25 only.
48. Northern Cyprus
This country could best be describes as Cyprus’ Turkish side. Visit for the old towns, ruins, pristine beaches, and well thought out castles. Kenyans do not need a visa to Northern Cyprus.
49. Palau
Palau is a country in Oceania. Visit for all matters beach and ocean. You know: scuba diving, kayaking, and snorkeling among others. Most divers can swear by Palau. It is also very easy to bump into relics that were used in World War II while walking in the jungle. Kenyans get a 30-day visa on arrival to Palau.
50. Palestine
There are many ruins in this mostly war-torn country. They also have lots of museums and hiking treks. I think it would be a good chance to put their history into perspective. Kenyans do not need a visa into Palestine, but you are not allowed to enter by sea through the Gaza Strip.
51. Panama
Visit for the Panama papers! Sorry but that’s not how it works. Everyone knows Panama for that but there is more. The Panama Canal, for one, is definitely a site to behold. They also have nice beaches and lots of water sports. You can be in the country for 180 days without a visa.
52. Philippines
Most Kenyans grew up watching Filipino TV Shows. You’re prolly adulted now so maybe go there for the out-of-this-world islands, organic food, and hiking treks. You can be there for 30 days without a visa. No one has ever visited this country and failed to fall in love. With the country.
Edit: Philippines no longer accepts our old passports; apply and travel with the new-generation (scannable) one.
53. Qatar
Not considered touristy by most. If you are a tad bit interested in architecture, apply for their evisa and pack up! They keep redefining architecture any time they come up with a new project. Of course not ignoring the controversies. Kenyans apply for their Qatar visa online.
54. Rwanda
Closer home. Kenyans may even take a bus to Kigali. This trip is really not complicated. There is lots of things to be done in Rwanda including chilling on the lake, hiking, paying tribute to those who lost their lives in the genocide, and learning about their cultures among other things. Do not overthink this one: just go. Rwanda is one of the visa free countries for Kenyan citizens.
55. Saint Kitts and Nevis
Love colonial history? Hiking volcanoes? Sipping cold mango juice on the beach? Saint Kitts and Nevis comes with all that. This Caribbean country also has lots of hiking trails. Kenyans do not need a visa to Saint Kitts and Nevis.
56. Saint Lucia
Go snorkeling, zip lining, hiking, and then just chill on the beach. That plan could work in Saint Lucia. Kenyans can do all that in 6 weeks since they get a visa on arrival. They also have a pretty rad nightlife.
57. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Like is the case for most other countries in the Caribbean, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has everything you would want from an island. Snorkel and dive in their clear waters, and also go for kitesurfing among other water sports. Kenyans do not need a visa for 1 month to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
58. Samoa
Samoa is a lovely country in Oceania. They have lots of waterfalls, marine reserves, and volcanoes. There is no way on earth anyone would get bored in this country. One is given an entry permit on arrival, and this will last Kenyan citizens 60 days.
59. Sao Tome and Principe
Not very visited but it is a very interesting place. Kenyans should apply for a visa to Sao Tome and Principe online. There are many beaches to explore and also numerous treks. It’s not a cheap destination but it is definitely worth it.
60. Senegal
Controversial. Check with the embassy before you book your ticket. As far as I know, Kenyan citizens qualify for a visa on arrival to Senegal, even though guys say different things about it. The people are friendly, they have a pink lake, and I hear jollof rice is actually from there.
61. Seychelles
More beaches. If you like the beach you will love Seychelles. Once in a while there are flight offers to the country so check that out. Visit for the culture, food, and history. Kenyan citizens get a visitor’s permit on arrival.
62. Sierra Leone
They have lots of history, beaches, and the culture is different yet intriguing. Kenyans qualify for a visa on arrival to Sierra Leone.
63. Singapore
This is one of the countries Kenyans enter like it is home. Beautiful city, albeit expensive. Visit at least once and experience a life different than what we have here.
64. Somalia
Kenyans get a visa on arrival in Somalia. The country has many historical sites, beaches, mountain ranges, national parks, and waterfalls among others. If you ask me, this is the best time to visit Somalia: before tourism is commercialized.
65. Somaliland
This is an autonomous region in Somalia. Kenyans get a visa on arrival for $30. The country is lined with lovely beaches, many museums, interesting culture, and historical ruins.
66. South Sudan
This country has a lot of parks, rivers, and cultural heritage. Most people do not know that South Sudan is home to the world’s second largest animal migration. Antelopes migrate yearly, and there is only a handful of tourists to witness it. South Sudan is another one of the visa free countries for Kenyan citizens.
67. South Ossetia
This region is still under dispute. However, it is internationally recognized as part of Georgia. To visit this place, Kenyans need to have a multiple entry Russian visa. One should also give a three day notice before entry into the country. They need that time to prepare a party for you. I am kidding.
68. Sri Lanka
This is a very beautiful country that is not on most tourist paths. Kenyans may apply for this visa online. They will be happy to have you in their country. There have magical landscapes, waterfalls, tea & coffee plantations, and beaches among other things.
69. Sudan
Not to be confused with South Sudan. This country has numerous lakes, archeological sites, and museums. There is also the desert – that is always intriguing! Kenyans get a visa on arrival for Sudan.
70. Swaziland
Few days ago the king changed the country’s name to eSwatini. Sexy, right? Just like the people there and their food. I could go there for the culture alone. They also have numerous mountains and valleys that will take your breath away.
71. Tanzania
Our neighbors. It’s a beautiful land. They have parks, natural springs, volcanoes, mountains, and waterfalls. Of course they also have beaches in Zanzibar. Kenyans should really visit Tanzania. Tanzania is another one of the visa free countries for Kenyan citizens.
72. Timor-Leste
One of my dream destinations. Generally very unvisited. I think it’s mostly because of accessibility. That said, this Asian country has everything you need: mountains, beaches, food… Kenyans get a visa on arrival to Timor-Leste.
Image courtesy.
73. Togo
Small, peaceful, and beautiful West African country. They give you a visa on arrival for 7 days. Sounds like less but that is enough to explore their beaches, waterfalls, and history. Should you need more time, just seek an extension at the immigration offices.
74. Transnistria
You probably haven’t heard of this one. Or maybe you have. The country has lots of nature reserves, monuments, monasteries, and wine. Kenyans do not a visa to Transnistria but you’ll need to register after 24 hours.
75. Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago are found in the Caribbean. They have rain forested hills, beaches, and very distinctive Creole cuisines and traditions. Kenyans do not need a visa to these islands.
76. Tuvalu
Tuvalu is an island in Oceania. It is characterized by palm-fringed beaches. They also have a lot of WWII sites. Snorkeling and diving are very common owing to their clear waters. Kenyan citizens get a visa on arrival for Tuvalu.
77. Uganda
Wakanda? This land is beautiful. They love Kenyans and you will have the best time there. Go for rafting, bungee jumping, bird watching, and gorilla trekking among other cool activities. Uganda is beautiful and cheap. As a Kenyan citizen, you can visit using your ID; it is one of the visa free countries for Kenyan citizens.
78. Vanuatu
Also in Oceania, Vanuatu will blow your mind away. They have numerous volcanoes and beaches. That part of the world is one of the best there is for snorkeling and diving. A visa is not required from Kenyan citizens.
79. Vietnam
Visa can be applied online. Based on my experience, they will still need to know where you’re going and all that though, coming from Hong Kong, it was a relatively flawless process. Visa was $75 online and $25 at the airport. Expensive. It depends on your nationality and all that. Vietnam has everything: dunes, beaches, mountains, rice paddies, caves and all that. Highly recommend!
80. Zambia
If not for anything else, go there for the waterfalls. It is incredible to behold. They also have many national parks fishing sites, and hiking treks. Kenyans do not need a visa to Zambia, at least not for 90 days.
81. Zimbabwe
They have the Victoria Falls! That’s reason enough to visit. They also have several lakes and mountains to hike. As a Kenyan, you do not need a visa to Zimbabwe.
There goes our list. It is not as long as Germany’s but it is something. At least to these countries you’ll have the visa issue out of your list. However, please confirm with the respective embassies before you travel on whether you will need extra documents at the airport. This is our reality so do not let the process discourage you from traveling.
Got questions? Ask below.
Cheers to the unknown!
Hillary kosgei
*am interested to go to Philippines
Beautiful choice! Go for it ?
JAMAICA, Hong Kong and Somaliland. But first Somali land. How safe is that land by the way? I hear its so peaceful. How to fly there though???
Somaliland is very peaceful. Their people are also extraordinary.
Steve Austine.
this is very useful information. Thank you and God bless you. ?
This is great info! Never knew. Bahamas, Barbados, then Jamaica.
Very informative….
Very informative, wish I knew all these when I was in Asia
Hassan Oketch
Am willing to go to Qatar
Want to visit Micronesia, in Dec, approximately how much is enough for a week